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Year One (a Very short overview)

Wow. It has been a long time. If anyone happens to enjoy these, my apologies. If you have ever written ANYTHING, you know it isn't merely a matter of putting pen to paper. Or fingers to keys in this case.

Now, I'd like to share a little about this year. This year has been...a roller coaster? I don't know the descriptor to use here. It feels like there were long stretches of time filled with doubt and worry. A sickening feeling that I'd made a mistake and disappointed people and let myself down. Then suddenly, things would begin to happen all at once. The website picked up, people began placing orders. It got to the point that I was overwhelmed in shipping labels, invoices, receipts, bags and boxes. A good problem to have I suppose

I reached out to other businesses. At one point this year I had products in four stores. AND PEOPLE WERE BUYING IT! still are actually. I have multiple repeat customers! I'm down to three stores now (one sadly closed) with plans to add a store at the end of January. I sold at a market and it went very well! Of course, there was failure too. Plenty of it. I was turned away for multiple markets, festivals and stores for various reasons. I've overspent, ordered the wrong ingredients(that could NOT be returned!) let my office and warehouse space get into such a mess that I couldn't find anything and a million other things that I don't really want to think about. I've learned a lot this year, mostly that I still have a lot to learn.

We seem to be finishing on a high note though. With help and support (Shout out to the husband) I've got a system that works for me. I'm able to get ahead on most things. And my office spaces stay much better organized. We were in our hometown parade and won a trophy for most original float, so I'm pretty proud of that.

The Holidays have been busy and for that, I am grateful.

I've met some amazing people this year and been taken under the wings of other business owners. I've been shown so much grace and kindness by everyone from my family to strangers. Even though I call Little Diddle "mine", it's a group effort. I have a sister and a best friend that have done(and continue) to do much for this little business. My Justin has spent hours and hours bringing my visions and whims to life, making sure I have all I need to make something of this. To everyone that has given me a chance this year, supported me in any capacity, smiled encouragingly, or just said "good job", Thank you. It means the world to me.

Happy One year to us, and many, many more.


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